Founding Story

Acts 20:35 Lord Jesus himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

Give Mission’s founder, Daniel Suh, is a businessman who has been running a small
garment business in Los Angeles for many years. For the past 20 years, he has also
traveled across the globe to teach the bible and supported overseas Christian
missionaries in countries such as Kyrgyzstan, Tunisia, Turkey, Cambodia, Peru,
Mexico, Guatemala, Philippine, Malaysia, Japan, A country in Asia, Malawi, Ethiopia

The story of Give Mission started in 2012, when Give Mission’s founder was preaching
to a group of people in A country in Asia, the story in the bible from the book of Matthew

14  When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and
healed their sick.
15  As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote
place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the
villages and buy themselves some food.”
16  Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”
17  “We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered.

18  “Bring them here to me,” he said.  19  And he directed the people to sit down on
the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he
gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the
disciples gave them to the people.  20  They all ate and were satisfied, and the
disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.  21  The
number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and

As he was teaching from this passage, Matthew 14: 16-18 really spoke to him: ‘Jesus
replied, “They do not need to go away, You give them something to eat.”’ He was
strongly touched by the holy spirit by the command: ‘You give them something to eat’
and felt like Jesus was speaking to him with this thought: “If I were really a follower of
Jesus, I need to feed the ones in need.”

As he pondered on this thought, a few years later, Daniel met a dentist who was also a
missionary working in Gumulira, Malawi. He learned that Gumulira has only 2-3 months
of a harvest period in a year of corn mill farming because of the short rain and draught.
The population can’t survive without food supply from external support throughout the
rest of the year. Daniel asked the missionary, “What else can I do to help the people in
Gumulira, Malawi?” The missionary then said that the women in their region can’t afford
to buy their inner wear. When women experience periods, they cannot go outside to
attend school or go to work. Daniel could not sleep that day and wondered how he
could help them. He then got the idea: what if I could give them fabric and sewing
machines to help them make what they needed for themselves and sell the remaining
clothing items to support their lives instead of only giving financial aid?

He was excited about this idea of helping the women in Malawi. Because he was
running a small garment business in Los Angeles, he had a sewing factory in China and
asked his team to help them find manually operable sewing machines because of the
lack of electricity in Gumulira, Malawi. When his team learned about the poverty and
extreme hunger in Malawi, they were sympathetic to their hardships because they had
grown out of poverty from a remote region. They believed in the mission to help this
community and prepared with great effort. They provided easy instructions on how to
operate and repair sewing machines in the case that they become out of order.

He was finally able to send five foot-pedal running manual sewing machines and supply
of fabric to Gumulira, Malawi with the goal of creating a larger factory scale operation.
But there were still many challenges in the process of shipping sewing machines
because of the ongoing civil wars in the neighboring countries and the difficulty of
delivering to a hard to access location.

Even though shipping in this remote location would be very costly through air shipping,
he decided to deliver the sewing machines because he believed that this initial
investment would empower the women in Gumulira, Malawi so that they could create
their own clothing and support their families by selling the remaining clothes. He had a
dream that one day, this community could build and scale their operations in order to

support their entire community so that they could thrive independently and without the
need for total dependence on outside aid. He would then be able to realize the dream of
feeding five thousand people with two fish and five bread, the miracle that touched his
heart when he was preaching the message from Matthew.

By the time the women learned how to use the sewing machines in Gumulira, Malawi,
the missionary dentist had to leave town and travel to another region to help more sick
patients through his dentistry work, as there were a lack of medical services in the other
cities and people were dying without his help. The missionary left the five sewing
machines to the Gumulira families. It felt as if the dream was cut short before it could
see it’s true potential.

One year later, Daniel received very exciting news from the missionary. One of families
that were using one of the sewing machines created her own business. She was
helping other neighborhoods with the sewing machine by making children’s clothes for
free. He was elated with this news because this meant that the miracle dream of feeding
a community with just two fish and five bread was still alive.

However, the reality of shipping more sewing machines from China remained a huge
logistical challenge. As he searched for a solution he wondered, ‘What if I can create a
manual sewing machine manufacturing company in Africa that is near Malawi?’ He then
searched around neighboring African countries. He visited many places to find a better
location for a factory then visited Ethiopia, one of bigger countries near Malawi.

As he visited many locations in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, he also saw so many
abandoned, homeless kids, and single mothers on the streets. He was shocked to learn
that there are 5 millions orphans living in Ethiopia. He visited many orphanages and
visited the poorest living areas in Ethiopia.

After witnessing so many cases of abandoned orphans, homeless kids and sick people
on the streets, he felt the urgency and the situation felt dire. He realized that the only
way to help is not just a one-time donation to provide them with food, but to give the
entire community continual health care, nutrition, education, and new jobs in order to
create independence for a hopeful future. Addressing these additional needs was ever
more important to their survival.

However, overall access to healthcare in Ethiopia is very limited due to extreme
shortage of doctors, with the poor and the sick not even being able to access or visit a
hospital. It pained him to see that the sickest couldn’t even access basic medical care.
He decided to hire two computer programmers in Ethiopia to develop a telemedicine
program that could help medical assistants from a distance and to provide care to the
poorest communities. In order to provide healthcare, it was essential to establish a legal
organization within Ethiopia in order to help them systematically. However, since
Ethiopia was experiencing a civil war, it was not easy to have government approval for
religious and NGO charity activities especially as a foreigner. Despite this setback, he

still found many ways to continue to support orphanages and volunteering groups that
could help homeless kids, orphans and single mothers living in poverty.

In December 2022, Give Mission Ministry finally received the approval from the
Ethiopian government counsel with support by many important leaders in Ethiopia. With
the support of the government, in January 2023, he officially launched the Give Mission
Ministry in one of most poorest areas of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, after a five year effort.

Give Mission Ministry will fulfill Jesus’ miracle dream of feeding five thousand people
with just two fish and five bread. Give Mission’s vision is to bring five thousand more
poor and sick people to Jesus and impact the lives of those living in our poorest
countries, blessing them with Jesus’ Gospel with pure hearts.

As we remember Jesus words, “ It is more blessed to give than receive”, Give Mission
will continue our ministry in service to our poor and sick neighborhood brothers and
sisters and bring them into Jesus Gospel. “Giving is better than receiving”.